How Clean is Your Lens?
Crud (that is not the technical term for it) eventually will accumulate on the front element of your lens and will need to be removed. My method of choice involves a blower (such as an ear syringe), lens paper, and liquid lens cleaner. I begin by blowing off the dust that is on the lens. Sometimes nothing more is required. However, if dirt is adhering to the lens, a bit more work will be needed. Remove about four sheets of lens paper. Put a drop or two of the lens cleaner onto two sheets. Using a circular motion, clean the lens. Then use the other two sheets to wipe dry the lens. Use the blower again to remove any particles from the lens paper. That should do it. Please remember that you should only use lens paper and lens cleaner made specifically for camera lenses.
Crud (that is not the technical term for it) eventually will accumulate on the front element of your lens and will need to be removed. My method of choice involves a blower (such as an ear syringe), lens paper, and liquid lens cleaner. I begin by blowing off the dust that is on the lens. Sometimes nothing more is required. However, if dirt is adhering to the lens, a bit more work will be needed. Remove about four sheets of lens paper. Put a drop or two of the lens cleaner onto two sheets. Using a circular motion, clean the lens. Then use the other two sheets to wipe dry the lens. Use the blower again to remove any particles from the lens paper. That should do it. Please remember that you should only use lens paper and lens cleaner made specifically for camera lenses.
Lights! Camera!! Action!!!
Try putting some action into your photographs! Anytime you can get away from a static pose, you have a much better chance of pulling off a more dynamic picture. This photo was made using two strobes bounced off the ceiling and back wall. The strobes, as opposed to just available light, were necessary in order to stop the action so no blurring would occur. I asked the mother to try moving her son around a bit, while staying in a predefined area of the bed. I took probably 25 shots; many of them were out-of-focus or just not very good. This one, I believe, worked rather well.