Body expressions
Facial expressions
Hair as a prop
Hands and arms as props
Lighter or darker
Mothers (and fathers) of the model
Negative space
People approaching and passing me
Photographing her in the studio
Photographing in the model's home (especially the bedroom and bathroom)
Placing the subject in the frame
Playing with depth-of-field
Shoot up, shoot down
Shooting indoors with available light
The wonderful world of props
Up against the wall
Veils, gauzy curtains, and maybe a blanket
Facial expressions
Hair as a prop
Hands and arms as props
Lighter or darker
Mothers (and fathers) of the model
Negative space
People approaching and passing me
Photographing her in the studio
Photographing in the model's home (especially the bedroom and bathroom)
Placing the subject in the frame
Playing with depth-of-field
Shoot up, shoot down
Shooting indoors with available light
The wonderful world of props
Up against the wall
Veils, gauzy curtains, and maybe a blanket